Full-Service Agency Securing H-2A Workers
For Your Agricultural Labor Needs

Great Lakes Ag Labor Services, LLC operates as a filing agent and does not directly recruit foreign workers.

Great Lakes Ag Labor Services, LLC opera como un agente preparador de aplicaciones y no hace ningun reclutamiento extranjero de trabajadores directamente.

H-2A Agricultural Visa Program

The H-2A Temporary Agricultural Worker Program allows U.S. agricultural employers to meet their labor needs when qualified domestic workers are not available. Despite a complex application process and stringent legal requirements, we have helped U.S. agricultural employers of all sizes navigate the process to satisfy their labor needs.

Great Lakes Ag Labor Services, LLC

Based in Michigan, we are a full service agent specialized in securing agricultural workers through the H-2A visa program. We have been applying the standards of the USDOL to farms since 2015, and have become the largest H-2A contract filer in Michigan. Our team has navigated the H-2A process many times, and our on-site visits ensure that you understand the process and regulations.

Attend a Farm Employment Seminar

Struggling to find labor through traditional means?

Find out whether the H-2A program is right for you. Our team is here to provide information on employer requirements, associated program costs, application deadlines and answer any other questions you may have.